Saturday, January 8, 2011

11 PM and 11:01 POST

Although the blog clock is totally off right now it is 11:01 as I'm typing this. I am researching PPD for my new charitable endeavor Preemie Prints. A project I honestly believe in my heart is what I may end up doing for a while. I see it growing, flourishing, and working to help people. This project is different from any other I've ever had. I've already had the idea, developed a web site, and contacted a list of people who may be able to help me spread the word; yet, I haven't told a single person person who knows me. Also, in spite of the fact that we are in need of major financial success, I somehow feel that through this money will come. Maybe in a way I don't expect, but when this was put on my heart, I questioned that and the Lord answered me and said DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE MONEY IT WILL COME.

The only person I started telling was Beka on the phone yesterday but not in great depth. I have not told my family or my husband and that is not like me. My intuition is telling me not to send out a big email or post it to facebook or to my blog, all of which have people that can probably help to spread the word. I will eventually do all of those things but something is saying TAKE IT SLOW+NOT YET+WAIT.

I feel like this is serious and different than anything I've ever done before. I feel like it is authentic and who I am, but until God proves that to be true I will not talk about it. 
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11 replies

Dear Nixon,

Congratulations on the birth of your son!

PPD happens to 20-25% of women who have babies. And when moms are NICU moms, the odds are significantly higher than that! It is physiological, so it usually requires some kind of intervention of sorts.

The fact that you have already identified that there is a problem is very good news. So many women ignore the signs, which makes it hard for the parent and the baby. Research suggests that PPD moms (when left untreated) go throu

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